Saturday 28 September 2013

How to make an Albert Wesker sim

How to make an Albert Wesker sim

I recently killed my Albert Wesker sim on The Sims 3 because he got to the elderly stage because the 'player 1' aka myself forgot to edjust the lifespan meter from 'normal' to 'epic' nuts! :( So here, I am telling you how to create your own Wesker Sim from the inside out - as I think getting your sim to look like 'bert is quite easy in my opinion.


Give your sim the following traits -

Mean Spirited
Dare Devil
Workaholic and/or ambitious would work just as well here.


Take a walk on the wild side and give your Wesker sim the following favorites, these are the ones i, personally chose -

Music - classical
Food - steak
Colour guess! - black!


Start him off as either young adult or adult and put him in the Law Enforcement career to start with to make it canon with his time as the STARS captain, them change him to the business - if you so wish to channel his time in the mysterious group known only as 'the organisation' and last but certainly not least - let him take the path and seperate the wheat from the chaff in the Evil career in the Criminal job option. You will also get a cool red aura around your sim which is awesome!
Doing these careers will also give your sim the means of progressing in the logic, athletic and handiness skills as our beloved Lord Wesker uses on a daily basis I'm sure!

So, there you have it! Go forth, gamer and create the Emperor of Evil by the name of Albert Wesker! Thank you for reading!