Saturday 5 October 2013

Rosie Phoenix’s film review


WANTED stars wimpy panic-attack suffering norm, Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) Whom has a cheating girlfriend and is humiliated by his boss, has a life turn around as he’s approached by Fox(Angelina Jolie) – a member of the Fraternity on account of the death of his father. Wesley is trained by Fox to avenge the death of his father whilst ending other people’s lives. He’s beginning to control his own.
Fans of James McAvoy will be pleased with his performance of realistic sand believable Wesley Gibson as it’s a real change of character from Mr Tumnus in The Chronicles of Narnia. Fans of Angelina Jolie will be more than happy so see her as a gun-shooting somewhat heroine again. Whilst being a mysterious assassin society member. As well as Fox, the members of the Fraternity are mysterious and as you grow to learn more about Wesley, you don’t learn much about the Fraternity and the Fraternity leader Sloan (Morgan Freeman)
The start of the film is humorous as a scene at the traffic lights as Fox looks out the car window of a battered red Viper at a drier of another car the driver smiles at Fox and Fox drives off to the music ‘Pina Colada.’ Humour is a light trait in the film as it gradually becomes strongly violent and not exactly unsettling but the odd way of training a new member into the Fraternity is certainly a gruesome and violent one, but is entertaining to watch. As the film is seemingly towards its end, be aware to feeling a few pangs of sadness at the ending as an unsuspecting revelation, multiple murder and suicide is played out at the finale it gives the viewer a real rollercoaster ride of feelings and scenes to mull over after watching.
Especially as you have empathy towards the characters, as I sure did as Fox is a brilliant, mysterious survivor with an ever mysterious past is the only female in the team at the Fraternity. Whereas the character Fox is the character for us ladies to admire and adore, Wesley is also credible for feeling empathy towards as he’s out hero of the film as we see him go from wimp to superhero.
All in a beautiful setting as the Fraternity scenes were filmed in Prague, Czech Republic, which is made to look like Chicago in a building in Prague which was already the Director’s & co’s idea of what the fraternity would look like. With only a few changes to the set, windows, painting the bricks to look like Chicago brick. They got seven interior and one external set out of one building which is really useful.
With the added bonus of sound bites of rock music- ‘The Little Things’ by Danny Elfman is a memorable one. Also the instrumental music with themes for certain characters adds persona, excitement and intensifies the scenes and more importantly the film.
As the finale is a shocker, it gives us something of a moral as after a brilliant execution, Wesley looks directly into the camera and asks- “What have you done lately?”
So if you like thrilling, action-packed movies with James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman or Angelina Jolie, this is a film for you!