Wednesday 24 September 2014

Why I ship Aeryn/Crais

1. The entire episode of 'Green Eyed Monster'.

2. The Peacekeeper soldier turned vigilante/sworn enemy of the Peacekeepers. Remind you of anyone?

3. Crais willingly showed her the vid of her mother and young!Aeryn. Without any hidden agenda, too.

4. His reaction when seeing her alive after fearing she had died.

5. His emotion knowing she had 'drowned.' & knowing he couldn't share his find (the vid chip)with Talyn about her Mother visiting her...

6. "Are you offering yourself, Aeryn Sun."
"Take whatever you want, Crais, I won't stop you." Uh! What followed this scene exactly?!

7. When he gave her the vid chip to keep and the way he put it in her hand afterwards. *feels*

8. Lani John Tupu is an excellent actor and is also the voice of Pilot!

9. 'Meltdown' episode Crais shows a flicker of jealousy at Aeryn and John while they were... Ahem... You know! ;)

10. No-one else seems to and there is about 3 fanfictions about them together on Quite disappointed!

11. I watched Farscape for Claudia Black and I continue to watch it for Aeryn's adventures.

12. The subtle nuance between them both in the penultimate scene of Crais on-board Talyn.

13. This deleted scene -