Saturday 11 October 2014

Life after Stargate SG-1?

I never formally introduced myself did I?
Well, I'm Rosie but you can call me Rose... I started watching Stargate SG-1 last year and the year before - 2012 on Pick TV after watching the movie on 5* and it was moving too slow, by the time they were on season 4, we owned half the seasons.
I've watched SGU, SGA and I think SG-1 is by far the best.
I recently downloaded the free trial of Unleashed and can't stop playing it! This, next year, will be my first Chevron and I can't wait! 

Oh, and my favourite actor is Shanks, and my favourite she-actor  is Claudia Black. I think that's about it!

I am going to start cosplaying as Vala and Aeryn as well as i have watched and enjoyed each and every single season of Farscape, too! I own and love the Peacekeeper Wars, too. But I can't help but feel as if my journey is over and i have experienced everything. As i even own the audio dramas of Claudia's - well, some of them at least! And both SG graphic novels. Having played and completed Mass Effect, too and now journeying into Dragon Age: Origins I find myself thinking i'm nearly at my fandom end. So i'm asking for your help in ways to continue my Stargate and Farscape journey aka Claudia Black in different avenues.

Please suggest me things!!