Thursday 28 February 2013

Antagonist here, anagonist there...

Which antagonist are you?
A review of Avatar the video game.

It's going to be a vast and beautiful land for you to run wild in, that's expected!
The scenery ensures much enjoyment from playing in James' Cameron's Avatar the game. As he, himself came up for the storyline etc in this, it's a prequel to the much loved, widely awaited 3D blockbuster. With you, an RDA grunt sent to Pandora as a signals specialist to help bring peace to the planet.
Of course it's not all that plain sailing.

After a quick and fairly intro to the game, setting, characters and controls – Avatar the video game splits it's save slot in the game to create two. One for the saved game you are currently playing(I started playing Na'vi side first) and another save for you to be a bad-ass and gun wielding(yeah, yeah, I enjoyed the RDA side better) grunt! So you can play as both sides to have to most fun out of this game. Also, obviously to hear and play both sides of this beautiful story which will grip you to the floor like a Na'vi spear.

I won't talk too much about the computer side of this game because this fun blog will just deteriorate into a mess of technology babbling with you, the reader running away from this game review and googling something more fun than this.

So, forget the film, this lil' beaut takes you to a whole new dimension of Pandora, Avatar and the mind of JC.

You get given a helper character very early on in the game by the name of Kendra Midori – she'd kinda like the Grace of the game - a bunch of other guys come and go in the game which gives it a bit more depth and realism. Monroe – the Dr Max, and Harper; I have no idea how to describe this crazy ass dude. He's just that weird! Then there's Commander Falco – he's your Quaritch; just as nuts and violent.
You also a welcome speech by Dr Grace Augustine voiced by Weaver herself right at the start of the game on the Valkyrie shuttle ship.
There's guest appearances by Trudy, voiced by Michelle Rodriguez and Colonel Quaritch, voiced by Stephen Lang. Oorah!

The storyline its self is fun and will keep you hooked although it's slightly routine and there's no newness to it after you have gotten to the middle and near climax of the game. But that being said, the finale with give you a sense of achievement no matter what side you took to get you there.
There's a cool set of Na'vi that you either have to go and kill; or if you take the Na'vi side, you have to take their orders. With a wide array of weapons on either side and some equipped skills to help you along the way, you almost feel welcome on each side – you also feel a strong hatred for the opposition. Even if you are playing for the RDA.
In fact, if you're not doing a happy-dance in the middle of your room after seeing your virtual, ripped, sexy, camouflaged self beat the antagonist of the game. You just played it wrong. So get up and start it all over again. This game if perfect, if you disagree, please comment why. I loved this game and am playing it for the 6th time.


Saturday 23 February 2013

A review of Left 4 Dead

I burn things to feel joy. Kinda.

For many years now, well three in fact – I have been a big fan of a game called left 4 dead. It's amazing, you must play it!
It's both violent and beautiful, it's scary, suspenseful also crazy and perfect. Even though there's truck loads of rabid zombies wanting to eat you and rip you to shreds – I have died many times on this game, I’ve seen it happen – within the undead beings and pouring rain, it feels perfect. It feels so perfect that if there was a zombie apocalypse L4D is what I would think it defiantly look like.
If it doesn't; I’ll post a complaint to the zombie in charge of said apocalypse!

Left 4 Dead's characters are insightful, lovable and hilarious. With Bill – the bad-ass army vet turned zombie killer, Francis – the biker with a heart in there somewhere, Louis – the ever positive computer analyst and Zoey – the kindest and youngest of the team who went to college to study film; but ended up staying in her dorm room watching zombie movies. I RELATE TO THIS CHICK! There's brilliant characters and I feel for them. I love and care about them.

It's setting is quite interesting too, as it's set in Pennsylvania – which I’m guessing is an important place in America; to warrant a full blown zombie apocalypse video game to be placed in it's heart, yes? But I swear I have seen a couple of films with scenes similar to that in Left 4 Dead! I am so sure that I have seen the same tree, road or house from L4D. Either I have played this game WAY too many times or Valve have really gone to town on this awesome game and not only gave us a fantastic place to shoot zombie ass and feel good doing it but it is art. Plain and simple, eerie art.

I can honestly say that I love Left 4 Dead. When I've not been on it in a while, I feel almost as if I've lost a friend and when I jump back on the zombie saddle and kick some ass – meaning I have my controller in my hands and game in the console. I feel the friend has been returned to me.
I known I have not hinted upon the game-play, storyline and music but that is another story to tell... and perhaps another blog for me to write.
My mutated, infected virtual friend, I salute you and your makers.
I adore you.


DCIPHOENIX: An Intro to Me!

That strange fan-girl.

Welcome to my dark corner of cyberspace. Make yourself a cuppa, some toast and buckle up! My name is Rose and I'm a BIG fan-girl of quite a lot of things – Torchwood, Ashes To Ashes, X-Files, Buffy: the vampire slayer, NCIS, CSI, Terra Nova, Stargate SG-1, Avatar and Spooks.

I'm a BIG lover of science fiction, crime, drama and romance TV shows, films and books – it's no wonder I love writing and reading; also the creative and performing arts.
I aspire to be an actress as I feel no enjoyment what so ever from any other career choice... apart from the military, weirdly enough. I have a fanfiction profile and I write mainly for pleasure and to express myself but also to escape the bores and routine of college and normal menial life. When I'm not being a bad-ass writer and college student I enjoy doing Tai Chi and weight lifting. I own a cat and many video gaming systems.
I like violent, shoot-y games but those that combine that with an awesome cinematic storyline that had you gasping, crying and acting like a mental patient swallowing your own tongue on your bedroom floor. Good times.
I also like guns. Mainly ones of the machine variety. Here's a question – if you were a gun, which one would you be? I would be a M-16 Assault Rifle.
Enough of me and time for the fan-girling.

I enjoy the works of:

J.K Rowling, Peter Robinson, J.R.R Tolkien, Phil Ford, Peter Robinson, Meg Cabot, Joanna Fulford, Lynda La Plant, Laurell K. Hamilton, Emma Pass, H.G Wells, Christopher Paolini, Anthony Horowitz, Philip K. Dick, Trevor Baxter, James Goss, Peter Angheidies, Gary Russell and Linda Winstead Jones.

And some singer/songwriters:

Rihanna, Pauley Perrette, Lady Gaga, Natalia Kills, Ellie Goulding, Katy Perry, 3OH!3, Leona Lewis, Theory of a Deadman, Poets of the Fall and Martina Topley Bird.

Thanks for stopping by, please comment on what YOU fan-girl/boy about!