Thursday 9 May 2013

Emma Pass's book launch.

This week's blog is about the book launch of Emma Pass's début novel – ACID! A dystopian young adult sci-fi thriller.

An alcohol and camera flash haze filled the room.... wait. I'm not writing fanfiction.

Okay, so. My day began with me doing my usual Thursday routine. Wake up at 8, get dressed, feed the cats and then go across the road for breakfast and a slice of buttered toast at the Pop-In at 9. I bought a handful of Mills and Boon books and after hopped on a bus with my Mother. The day took me to Clay Cross for dinner in the hospital – a well anticipated serving of chicken curry which turned out to be not so good for once. I also bought a salad box in-case in was too spicy for my teenage taste-buds. Sadly, the curry was quite bland. We then did a stop of shopping in the charity shops and around Clay Cross and then went home to get ready!

I ate my fresh salad and started to get ready for the book launch at Clay Cross Library at 7. It was currently 4pm. I had decided on a simple yet slinky Criminal Damage black and red cocktail dress with little Martini glasses all over it with skulls in the glasses instead of olives. With a quick up-do with my air and my make-up following the colour theme of both my outfit and the book cover, I was ready!

Later, we took the bus into Clay Cross again, planning on taking a taxi home and trotted down – yes, trotted we were wearing heels – to the library. Where a man waited, wondering when it would open. It turned out it was already open – the door was shut was all. So I went in and sought the author herself, presenting her with a card and house plant with a small toy dinosaur in the soil, as she likes Jurassic Park. I gave her a hug and she thanked me for the gifts and put them with the others.

The evening flowed really well and was an excitement filled night full of small cakes, wine, introducing my Mother to my writing class friends and being treated to a reading of ACID's 1st chapter by Emma Pass herself and then amazingly a discount on the book! Wow! Then we all queued up and got them signed! Double wow!

Now, pictures paint a thousand words – so here's a few to describe the 25th of April at Clay Cross Library...


All in all, it was a night to remember with a white wine spritzer and an ample amount of buttered crackers in my gut and nestled in the crook of my arm – the reason for me being there. But Nine o'clock drew close, which meant we had to be leaving soon and kindly enough, a woman from the village who my Mother knew gave us a lift! The night was great, the people were great – I, myself getting comments on how I was the cover art! No, i'm not, honestly! Oh, you're too kind!
Apparenlty it was done by the same person who did the Hunger Games' books. The night drew to a close for me which resulted in me getting only 2 hours sleep that night as it was simple too exciting. I only wish Emma, who looked lovely, had just as much fun as I did!

Were you looking for a review of the book? Unlucky i've still not read it, but I will write and post one all over cyberspace when I do...

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