Saturday 15 June 2013

Write here, write there...

Writing Habits

Today's post is about my writing habits and oddly enough as I write this, I'm living without my headphones, which are a big part of my writing life, if you see below. Which without I can not write! Before starting this, I wasn't sure if I had any to begin with. But oddly enough- again, I actually found that I have some. So, here's my writing habits and a bit about each one of them.

Music -  I try to make and use a playlist for each story I write. Consisting of mood music, tracks that have lyrics – which I listen out for which remind me of the characters, setting or theme of my stories. Then there's the genres. Currently, i'm listening to a playlist I made for a T Rated Romance fanfiction, which is made up of cinematic rock, alternative and a couple of dance tracks which aren't really dance.

Headphones – I use these to block out the outside world. I use a pair of SkullCandy lowriders – which have now broke! - to listen to the playlists of music I make.

Snuggie – I cuddle up on my sofa and laptop with my Pink Cookie snuggie. Which, if you didn't know is a blanket with sleeves. They're useful and I got this one I use for Christmas. I love it! :D

Laptop – Ah. My faithful DELL Latitude. How, I adore it... my operating system of choice if the Open Office which came with the DELL. I can't write in a quiet enviroment, so my bedroom's out of the question. I sit on the sofa in front of the tv, with the sound on mute,  but I still like watching the moving images. Then with my laptop  on my knee, that I can easily carry around is then carted over, which the leads trailing around everywhere and I then listen to the music in my playlists. And only then, can I write! :D

Time – I usually write late at night, when I'm relaxed and there's nothing or little on TV. I wind down after a busy or not so busy day with a cuppa tea – tea, not coffee! And I do all of the above.

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