Sunday 27 July 2014

If The Worst Should Happen...

What Farscape character would you, still being you, befriend? Don't forget - you're still human. And say, you found your way onto Moya - which person/alien would you want in your foxhole in order to survive?

 I would personally choose Crais. Yup, shocked me too as my heart said Aeryn but by mind said Bialar. So I went with the latter - I'll get scooped up in a Peacekeeper Prowler - plead my case and then a cute black and red leather outfit later and I'll be flying in the stars with the best of them! After probably yelling ''I'm not Sebacean I'm human!" at the PKs numerous times, I reckon I'd stay there and make it my home until Bialar defects to Moya. Which will be when I defect to Moya, too. Not sure what my journey will be there, though. But I'm positive it'll involve Talyn and certain death.

What's yours?

I've thought about this question long and hard, having come to know Farscape via Claudia Black and her wonderful performance as Vala Mal Doran in Stargate SG-1.

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