Saturday 23 November 2013

A REview of Resident Evil novel Umbrella Conspiracy by SD Perry

I hate Wesker even more after reading this book. I hate him from head to toe - or shades to boots, in his case - and this is coming from a person who played and complete Resident Evil 5!
Before reading this, I'd looked in every nook and cranny or cyberspace to soak up RE info. On my journey, I've been able to watch the RE 1 live action intro cutscene. With that visual image imprinted in my mind, this book was more then easy to see in my head. Not only thanks to the into movie, but by the author getting the right balance of descriptive terms so the reader can paint their own mental pictures but are directed in the right direction.

I got this on the 10th May - for my birthday - and I broke my one chapter a day rule very quickly with this book. The fast pace and never ending feel of suspense, adventure and that tingly feel you get while playing the game that feeling where there's always something around that corner, door and so on... Absolutely fantastic from start to end with no lulls, quiet moments or filler of any kind. I literally couldn't put it down. I'm now, sadly done with this book,but I am more ready for the new ones!! But to be honest, I will most certainly reread this in the wait for new material - it's just that good!

The characters are more then spot-on, with their descriptions matching each one. I feel enjoyment with the small backgrounds and inserts of the characters whilst all the action is going on, too! Gory creators, floods of emotions, loveable characters - obviously! This book is an absolute must, must read for RE fans! 

This leaves you wanting more, leaves you wanting to meet with your beloved STARS team and leaves you despising the Cheshire Cat Wesker... and this is once again coming from someone who hasn't played the 'classic' RE games!!


Saturday 5 October 2013

Rosie Phoenix’s film review


WANTED stars wimpy panic-attack suffering norm, Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) Whom has a cheating girlfriend and is humiliated by his boss, has a life turn around as he’s approached by Fox(Angelina Jolie) – a member of the Fraternity on account of the death of his father. Wesley is trained by Fox to avenge the death of his father whilst ending other people’s lives. He’s beginning to control his own.
Fans of James McAvoy will be pleased with his performance of realistic sand believable Wesley Gibson as it’s a real change of character from Mr Tumnus in The Chronicles of Narnia. Fans of Angelina Jolie will be more than happy so see her as a gun-shooting somewhat heroine again. Whilst being a mysterious assassin society member. As well as Fox, the members of the Fraternity are mysterious and as you grow to learn more about Wesley, you don’t learn much about the Fraternity and the Fraternity leader Sloan (Morgan Freeman)
The start of the film is humorous as a scene at the traffic lights as Fox looks out the car window of a battered red Viper at a drier of another car the driver smiles at Fox and Fox drives off to the music ‘Pina Colada.’ Humour is a light trait in the film as it gradually becomes strongly violent and not exactly unsettling but the odd way of training a new member into the Fraternity is certainly a gruesome and violent one, but is entertaining to watch. As the film is seemingly towards its end, be aware to feeling a few pangs of sadness at the ending as an unsuspecting revelation, multiple murder and suicide is played out at the finale it gives the viewer a real rollercoaster ride of feelings and scenes to mull over after watching.
Especially as you have empathy towards the characters, as I sure did as Fox is a brilliant, mysterious survivor with an ever mysterious past is the only female in the team at the Fraternity. Whereas the character Fox is the character for us ladies to admire and adore, Wesley is also credible for feeling empathy towards as he’s out hero of the film as we see him go from wimp to superhero.
All in a beautiful setting as the Fraternity scenes were filmed in Prague, Czech Republic, which is made to look like Chicago in a building in Prague which was already the Director’s & co’s idea of what the fraternity would look like. With only a few changes to the set, windows, painting the bricks to look like Chicago brick. They got seven interior and one external set out of one building which is really useful.
With the added bonus of sound bites of rock music- ‘The Little Things’ by Danny Elfman is a memorable one. Also the instrumental music with themes for certain characters adds persona, excitement and intensifies the scenes and more importantly the film.
As the finale is a shocker, it gives us something of a moral as after a brilliant execution, Wesley looks directly into the camera and asks- “What have you done lately?”
So if you like thrilling, action-packed movies with James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman or Angelina Jolie, this is a film for you!



Saturday 28 September 2013

How to make an Albert Wesker sim

How to make an Albert Wesker sim

I recently killed my Albert Wesker sim on The Sims 3 because he got to the elderly stage because the 'player 1' aka myself forgot to edjust the lifespan meter from 'normal' to 'epic' nuts! :( So here, I am telling you how to create your own Wesker Sim from the inside out - as I think getting your sim to look like 'bert is quite easy in my opinion.


Give your sim the following traits -

Mean Spirited
Dare Devil
Workaholic and/or ambitious would work just as well here.


Take a walk on the wild side and give your Wesker sim the following favorites, these are the ones i, personally chose -

Music - classical
Food - steak
Colour guess! - black!


Start him off as either young adult or adult and put him in the Law Enforcement career to start with to make it canon with his time as the STARS captain, them change him to the business - if you so wish to channel his time in the mysterious group known only as 'the organisation' and last but certainly not least - let him take the path and seperate the wheat from the chaff in the Evil career in the Criminal job option. You will also get a cool red aura around your sim which is awesome!
Doing these careers will also give your sim the means of progressing in the logic, athletic and handiness skills as our beloved Lord Wesker uses on a daily basis I'm sure!

So, there you have it! Go forth, gamer and create the Emperor of Evil by the name of Albert Wesker! Thank you for reading!


Saturday 6 July 2013

A death and a new beginning...

Why I haven't been blogging...

Well, alot has happened in my life recently so I finally have the time to do the Summer things I usually do.
My grandfather has sadly passed away. It was nice to see everyone at the funeral which was a week later. The funeral directors were really nice too. It was also expected, in some way as he was very ill and had been in quite bad shape for a while, now. As well as the fact that he was in hospital when we got the news.

I have been busy in my writing life, as I have actually planned out a long multi chapter fanfiction which I am now close to getting all the obstacles and dilemmas as well as the crisis weaved into the quest. It's a new thing for me but i'm really enjoying it. It's about Resident Evil, and it's a romance - which is my usual genre - and I've rated it a safe T. I'm well into the introduction now and my readers and fans are enjoying it which is pulling in a few ample reviews which makes my writing life all the more better. Although I haven't been writing due to the bereavement and some intersting video games...

Yup. This year I haven't just played and completed one game. No, I've finished Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6, Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City and I will be getting my zombie killing maimed hands on Resident Evil Revelations soon! I can't wait. In the meantime I am muddling my way through Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil Code Veronica X. And yeah, i realise I'm working my way backwards. I like that.

Saturday 29 June 2013

Resident Evil fangirling and me.

You're all going to die down here.

Said the Red Queen to Alice...
So yeah, today's post it about Resident Evil. But it won't be a random rant about how I love it so much. I'm here to say how I love the characters and the pairings of them. If any! The characters I talk about in the following lists are what I have become to get to know quite well in the Resident Evil game universe and the books. As for the movies, there are similarities between the characters in Capcom's Resident Evil as well as Anderson's Resident Evil. That is as of this year, as I’m pretty sure the Director of the adaptations has more in store and will most likely be trying to pour more loved characters from the video games into the films of Resident Evil. I'm still not sure how I feel about that. But I know at the end of the day, I'm a Resident Evil fan. And I became a fan after playing the games.

My favourite characters
Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine
Albert Wesker
Jake Muller
Piers Nivans

My not so favourite characters
Claire Redfield
Leon S. Kennedy

My favorite 'romantic' pairings and why

Wesker / Jill – Lust, obsession, helplessness and a power hungry villain with a dash of control thrown in there who wants the girl he could never have. Perfect.

Chris / Jill – Love, pure fairytale romance with a hero, a heroine and an evil wizard who has captured the princess.

Wesker / Excella – A lapdog who's blissfully unaware, blinded by her own love for the monster. Who turns out to merely be a pain in his side.

Wesker / Claire - ??? it's weird, these two. I'm not even sure why I read fanfiction about these two. Perhaps it's because I’m warped.

As for the random rant. That may come later.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Write here, write there...

Writing Habits

Today's post is about my writing habits and oddly enough as I write this, I'm living without my headphones, which are a big part of my writing life, if you see below. Which without I can not write! Before starting this, I wasn't sure if I had any to begin with. But oddly enough- again, I actually found that I have some. So, here's my writing habits and a bit about each one of them.

Music -  I try to make and use a playlist for each story I write. Consisting of mood music, tracks that have lyrics – which I listen out for which remind me of the characters, setting or theme of my stories. Then there's the genres. Currently, i'm listening to a playlist I made for a T Rated Romance fanfiction, which is made up of cinematic rock, alternative and a couple of dance tracks which aren't really dance.

Headphones – I use these to block out the outside world. I use a pair of SkullCandy lowriders – which have now broke! - to listen to the playlists of music I make.

Snuggie – I cuddle up on my sofa and laptop with my Pink Cookie snuggie. Which, if you didn't know is a blanket with sleeves. They're useful and I got this one I use for Christmas. I love it! :D

Laptop – Ah. My faithful DELL Latitude. How, I adore it... my operating system of choice if the Open Office which came with the DELL. I can't write in a quiet enviroment, so my bedroom's out of the question. I sit on the sofa in front of the tv, with the sound on mute,  but I still like watching the moving images. Then with my laptop  on my knee, that I can easily carry around is then carted over, which the leads trailing around everywhere and I then listen to the music in my playlists. And only then, can I write! :D

Time – I usually write late at night, when I'm relaxed and there's nothing or little on TV. I wind down after a busy or not so busy day with a cuppa tea – tea, not coffee! And I do all of the above.

Saturday 11 May 2013

My Eve

Dear bloggers, I'm having to upload this fanfiction on my blog as has withdrawn it for some reason which I am now trying to find out. Hope you'll see this as an oppurtunity to read my work, if you want to read any more find me on I'm under the penname DCIPHOENIX 


Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil, it’s characters, setting etc. I just want to write fan-fiction including them.

A/N: I hope you like this, that is all. Oh, and if you could review, too! :) They may seem a little OOC but I'm unsure as this never went on... on did it?!

Summary: She's young and beautiful; he can easily overlook that. But in the end, in the coming of his new world. He will be needing a Queen, a Goddess when all pawns eventually fall. Jill Valentine is his creation. She is his Eve.

Rated M
Romance and Angst
Main characters: A. Wesker & Jill Valentine
His Eve

Wesker saved her. He had mended back her broken bones, restored the blood she'd lost and then let his princess sleep.

But sooner or later, everyone has to wake up.

He'd half carried, half dragged her body from the circular room, where she slept, calmly, chemically. And put her into the medical room where he had all the necessary tools to awaken her and keep her in that state.

Injecting her heart with adrenaline, he had fixed her up to a respirator and ECG machine. His intention was spurred on with the rhythmic beeps breaking the silence. Wesker observed his sleeping beauty and the wires trailing around her form. Making her appear to be a fly in a spider's web. Jill had fractured her collarbone, broken both arms, shattered both her left kneecap, leg and managed to deal out herself a broken nose in the process of sacrificing herself to kill him back in the Spencer Mansion. Her broken body had begun to be pulled into the open maw of the saw, but he intervened, bunched his hands in her clothes and dragged her out of the salty water. Not wasting any time, he had lifted and carried her, bridal style away from the Mansion and to safety. Intending on using his enemies' friend against him.

Wesker had saved her. Fixed her up and put her to sleep as he found something lurking, deep within her DNA. Antibodies. Thousands of them from the dormant T-virus back in Raccoon City. Not only can he use her body as a physical weapon against the world, he can use her body's very essence to weave himself a new BOW.

He's mesmerised by her peace.

So he turns voyeur. Her skin is white, no longer the peach toned flesh Chris adored. Chris... he's half the reason he hadn't chose to leave her behind. Even Jill's hair, stripped of its brunette colour and then reborn a pale blonde. Wesker had harvested every antibody from her to craft it with Uroburos. Together, it was no longer as poisonous. But not only did he strip her of them. He had taken everything from her, leaving a mended yet mentally broken simpering young woman in his wake. With her colouring, now freakishly much like his own. He had poured himself into her shell, not allowing any room for anything else. Fitting her body into a black battle-suit, completing his image, he allowed her body to move with no restrictions as he trained her.

She was weak when she had awakened, claw like hands grabbed for something solid. He'd infected her mind with false facts, hopes and wants. Jill latched herself onto him, arms wound around his neck as he tugged his head away and felt her shivering, mumbling thanks into his collar of distorted events. He saved her from the fall. How quaint.

Many months went by, many years.

Self defence, attack, gun control – not like she needs any more help, but he likes having her body topped up with P-30 serum and a gun thrust in her hand – she learned, she was compliant. Placing his right hand to her toned stomach, his left covering her hand gripping her gun. Her body was pressed, effortlessly against his own. All six foot three inches of mutated height must have be overpowering to her as he smirked into her ear. “Fire.”

She exhales sharply as she saw the bullet impale the bull's eye target right in the middle.

“Good girl.” Positive reinforcement, it couldn't hurt. A combined achievement. They were lethal together. Beautiful.

Yet, flawed. “Uh, oh God, what--” Jill shook the gun out of her hand as if it was a poisonous snake. She whirled around, angry and confused. Her eyes met with those of the true snake. Jill spat his name. “Wesker! What are you doing? Where am...” She panted, her eyes wide in horror as he watched her, waiting to pounce.

Wesker reached into his pocket, withdrew a vial of red fluid and injected her straight into the main artery within her neck. All the liquid was drained into her while her body became stiff, emotionless once more. He then replaced his hands on her slim form. Putting a pistol in her small hand. Something needs to be done about the reapplication of dosages.

He found a way to ensure her ultimate compliance. The P-30 device.

She's the only visual piece of beauty in his world of monsters. Her long, white hair and flawless white skin just begs for chaos. How else can you see beauty without it? The only reason he wants to reach out and touch it, touch her is because it's been so long. Excella can't provoke him the way Jillian can. Her fighting ability, new beauty and intelligence are enhanced thanks to him. But she had them anyway, he only eased them to bubble to the surface, bigger and better. Each time he touched her, when her blue, unaffected eyes looked into his own – even though hidden by his shades – he felt a tug somewhere. Somewhere that hadn't worked in years. It's not love, it's not even lust...

Jill lies on the steel metal bed. Her beauty superseding everything in the room, when he moves into the cold, dull and blueish lit medical room. His eyes were immediately drawn to her sleeping figure. She would be waking soon, the slumber he placed her in was only a precautionary measure so Jill wouldn't wake too soon after the operation. The placing of the P-30 device on her chest had been done with her under full anaesthetic. Wesker ran a gloved hand over her chest. The device looked garish and grotesque against her flawless skin. Bulbous, red veins stood to attention underneath his fingers as the prongs of the P-30 device were sank fairly deep within her body so he would be able to administer hourly injections from the device without having to hold her down.

The Progenitor Virus mixed with a mind controlling substance gave birth to the P-30 drug and device.

It gave birth to Jill Valentine 2.0.

The next time he visits her cell, she's sat awaiting him. His orders. ”Jillian, it's good to see you're awake. As you can probably feel, the P-30 device had been attached to your body.” He spoke, loudly, cleanly and slowly.

Jill wrapped one hand around her naked body, she would have been bare to him if she didn't pull up the white medical sheet that one would expect a corpse to be covered with inside a morgue. She covered her breasts with her hand and the sheet, though her toned thighs and arms escaped the covering.

Blue eyes are closed. Hidden red ones are wandering over her body.

The device is also exposed, the contrast of glass, metal, the fluid inside and her skin still appalling provocation.

The air is cold, freezing.

But all she feels, if anything, is his gaze.

“Are you in pain?”

She shakes her head, sending her blond bangs dancing.

“Can you speak?”

“Yes.” It's barely a whisper, full of sorrow, confusion.

“My dear Jillian, I have harvested everything of any use from you body. Perfect as it is, I only have use for so much.” He purred, his voice flavoured of something her ears did not want to hear. “Stand.” Wesker ordered, the little emotion in his voice is gone.

She did as he asked, her eyes, now open have come accustomed to the black light and harsh chill in the air. The sheet fell away like a feather as she moved to stand, her feet steady on the cold floor. Jill gave herself a small push in Wesker's direction as she stood, directly in front of him.

“Beautiful. Perfect.” Wesker interjected. Seeming to be making a speech rather than speaking to the naked woman in front of him. She could feel the rise and fall of his fingers as they travelled over her, outlining her body. He ran his gloved hand from her cheek and shoulder, brushing the long and free, white locks of hair from her skin. Jill's pale sensitive flesh covering her face was made apparent by his touch.

Jill shivered at his touch, but she mentally told herself it was only the cold air sending her flesh breaking out in goose bumps. “You liked that, didn't you?” Wesker purred again, drawing out the last word as he moved his middle finger down her spine. He circled Jill's cold and still form as he tried and failed to find any imperfection on her surface tissue. He found none and for once, he was pleased at not finding what he wanted.

No! Oh, god, say no! The voice inside her head shouted at her, but the P-30 had other ideas. “Yes...” Jill breathed, soft enough to be unheard. But of course, Wesker heard her. The man's got the hearing similar to as that of a bat.

He chuckled.

Bastard! How he can enjoy seeing her suffer, the inner battle between her controlled mind and her uncontrolled was simple entertainment for him. But this was Albert Wesker she was watching, watching her. He's sick in the head and breeds monsters, viruses the very things that children had nightmares about. Hitler would even fear him. “My pet,” his voice is once again thick of a certain something that made her fear him all the more. He wasn't just enjoying watching her suffer, he was enjoying watching her. “I bred you to fight, not to want. Nor to love.” Wesker's British voice is sharp as a knife.

“I understand.” Her words were forced out of her mouth quicker than Jill could realise she was saying them.

Suddenly, her lungs are incapable of taking in oxygen, her skin pricked with heat and was covered with a material unknown to her and her body. Jill had seconds to open her eyes up to her attacker to see Wesker's own hidden eyes and his leather-clad body crushed into her own. He'd wrapped his hand around her throat and had shoved her naked body into the wall, inches from the ground and decided to keep her there. Lightening flashed behind her eyes as she gasped for air.

“I sure hope you do.” Wesker snarled and roughly pushed her body further into the frozen, smooth metal wall. Then, without warning, he took his hand away and dropped her on her feet in the process. The day, night – or whatever it was – took a turn for the worse as he forced his thin, Germanic lips on her own.

Immediately, her hands came up to protest, to push him away. But once again, he was far too strong for her. Instead, her hands grasped the silky, leather-like material of his shirt. Her soft, chapped lips were no match for his own as he shoved his tongue into her mouth. Wesker brought his hands to her cheeks, trapping her face in his hands and her body between the wall and himself.

The already noticeable goose skin all over her flesh stood more to attention as something of his pressed against her followed suit. Her eyes were tightly shut as he had his wicked way with her. Who knew the God of darkness could violate his creation this way? She moaned into his mouth, her body in bitter sweet pleasure. Though she quickly cringed at her audible moan.

Wesker chuckled. He was all teeth and tongue in seconds, his hands exploring, mapping out every inch of her once dying body as he licked and sucked at her mouth. Nothing went untouched. Wesker pressed his hands into and under her breasts, his thumbs outlining her nipples. They peaked in seconds, due to the cold or his touch – it's unsure. His fingers delved further downwards, over healed scars on her toned abdomen and further still.

She gasped into his mouth. Her pupils dilated. The leather-clad fingertips found her and began stroking in lazy circles around her small bundle of nerve endings. He so easily had managed to find her. Wesker added more friction to the wetness he found there while she panted into his mouth, breaking their kiss. Jill ground her hips into his hand, desperately seeking more from him. She grunted, her teeth grinding in the process before biting her tongue in a stupid bit to stop herself from asking for more.

“You do like it, Jillian.” He whispered, his voice, his mind almost taken aback.

Jill looks into the space on his face where his eyes would be underneath his shades. All before meeting his mouth with her own. More fuel thrown into the blazing furnace. Her hands are into and messing up his dark blonde strands of hair in the blink on an eye. Wesker barely had time to manage to keep upright as her small body was thrust and wrapped around his own. Outreaching one hand to the wall, he pressed his free hand to her spine, pushing her delicate hips into his own. Without warning, he lifted her up in his arms.

With her slim yet muscular legs in a tangle around his own, he carried her over to the steel bed, placing her on the end. After pulling her impossibly closer to himself, her jutting out hip bones crushed against his, Wesker stepped away momentarily. He shoved his trousers down to his knees and adored her airy grunts when he finally, slowly thrust his hardness inside of her.

Barely needing any foreplay, touching her magnificent, superior DNA altered body was enough.

Her feminine grunts are elegant electric, sparking sensations within him that lay dormant for many years. Jill grunts again as he moves against her, within her, drawing out their pleasure until it begged to be broken.

He on the other hand, grits his teeth and clenches his jaw. Not allowing evidence of his pleasure to be observed.

“W- Wesker...” She pleads. “I wanna see your eyes.” Her voice is close to a hiss. Jill moved her mouth over his own, another kiss of fire and battling dominance. Her own eyes were closed momentarily. But as she pulled back, reaching for his shades. Their eyes met, burning scarlet and calm azure. “I want everything.” A fourth kiss, a fifth... By now, he's lost count. His glasses are tossed backwards, skidding across the smooth metal surface, the action barely noticed, then forgotten.

Jill's body surely couldn't take any more from him, by his erratic, quick thrusts from his own. He couldn't either. He's barely able to keep himself from falling onto her as she, with a trembling hand touches her fingertips to his Germanic face, his cheek is as cold as her own body underneath her fingers. “Tell me.” Jill whimpers.

It's the sharp tug of her blonde hair, sending heat to her eyes and her groin which sends her falling. “Come for me!” He snarls, the tightening of her inner core muscles are just enough to send his mind spinning.

Her head meets the steel bed with a sickening crunch as the building coil of desire rips its way through her. “Ah, Albert...” She cries, her almost square lips forming an attempt to gasp while he leans his rigid body over hers.

His eyes flash red as he empties himself into her body. A long, reverberating growl irrupts from somewhere in his throat, seemingly to go on forever. Wesker rests his forehead against hers. She'd made the God of the New World bow to her. Surely that meant something, didn't it? Her fingers are entwined brutally in his short, once slicked back blonde hair. Though, now it's thoroughly messed up. She kept him there. He kept her there. No-one none the wiser as to who was pulling the other's strings. Or who enjoyed it the most. He kept his head on the plane of skin above her nose, his hands still in their deathly grip on her hips. As they couldn't touch. That would be intimate, romantic.

He then grunted, not in pleasure, no. Far from it, a frustrated snarl escaped his lips as he simultaneously escaped from her arms. He snatched himself from her and pushed her body away from himself as if she was the one whom had violated him. But she did, she violated him with her pheromones and sickly human feelings.

Days, if not weeks later. It was all a blur to her and her drug controlled mind.
She had her back to him, her long blonde hair in a ponytail and her body encased in a skin tight purple and black leather battle-suit. She'll only live once. Fists at the ready after her first physical encounter with Redfield and his new African partner. She had scattered through them, landing low and flying kicks, palms jutting out and near enough flooring them both before he had intervened.

He could've easily watched her play and devour her prey if it wasn't for that Redfield and his over-active trigger finger.

Her mask is gone, her identity revealed.

A bow in her direction.

Time to watch his creation fulfil her destiny.

A/N: thanks for reading. I hope you liked! Please leave me a review, it was a little dark, I know. But, hey! Look who's talking! :P  DCIPHOENIX

A ginger and white cat called Wesker.

This story is about a cat called Wesker. On the 26th of April we got given a new kitten called 'Ron.' The previous owner didn't want it for reasons unknown.

We happily took this 'kitten' into our home and gave it love and attention.
He sadly fought our other cat, Frodo. First few days and jumped when anyone made a loud noise, but now, he's really settled in and only play fights us and Frodo. The kitten is just a tad smaller than Frodo as he's a year old – we were expecting a scrappy young thing.

He eats in the hall so he doesn't eat our other cat's food too, he still eats Frodo's food but we're sorting that out, the little nuisance! He sleeps well and is growing to like being picked up and held. He's known for climbing up on worktops, in front of out TV, on all edges of the sideboard... ugh, I could go on!

Anyway, we named him 'Wesker' as I currently have a seemingly never ending obsession with Albert Wesker from the Resident Evil series. He's the main antagonist of the whole series and I just defeated him on the Resident Evil 5 video game; he breeds monsters, biological weapons, viruses, etc... So I named the cat after him.


That's sane.

He even has orange eyes and he dive-bombs Frodo and beats him up for no apparent reason. I think we/I named him well. The previous owner named him 'Ron' as in Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter series, we can see why as he's ginger and even had a smudge in his nose!

All we have to do now, is buy him some shades and a little black leather coat and he's set for complete global saturation!

Here's a few pictures of the rascal himself...

His full name is Albert Wesker Whiskers, if you wanted to know! :P

Thursday 9 May 2013

Emma Pass's book launch.

This week's blog is about the book launch of Emma Pass's début novel – ACID! A dystopian young adult sci-fi thriller.

An alcohol and camera flash haze filled the room.... wait. I'm not writing fanfiction.

Okay, so. My day began with me doing my usual Thursday routine. Wake up at 8, get dressed, feed the cats and then go across the road for breakfast and a slice of buttered toast at the Pop-In at 9. I bought a handful of Mills and Boon books and after hopped on a bus with my Mother. The day took me to Clay Cross for dinner in the hospital – a well anticipated serving of chicken curry which turned out to be not so good for once. I also bought a salad box in-case in was too spicy for my teenage taste-buds. Sadly, the curry was quite bland. We then did a stop of shopping in the charity shops and around Clay Cross and then went home to get ready!

I ate my fresh salad and started to get ready for the book launch at Clay Cross Library at 7. It was currently 4pm. I had decided on a simple yet slinky Criminal Damage black and red cocktail dress with little Martini glasses all over it with skulls in the glasses instead of olives. With a quick up-do with my air and my make-up following the colour theme of both my outfit and the book cover, I was ready!

Later, we took the bus into Clay Cross again, planning on taking a taxi home and trotted down – yes, trotted we were wearing heels – to the library. Where a man waited, wondering when it would open. It turned out it was already open – the door was shut was all. So I went in and sought the author herself, presenting her with a card and house plant with a small toy dinosaur in the soil, as she likes Jurassic Park. I gave her a hug and she thanked me for the gifts and put them with the others.

The evening flowed really well and was an excitement filled night full of small cakes, wine, introducing my Mother to my writing class friends and being treated to a reading of ACID's 1st chapter by Emma Pass herself and then amazingly a discount on the book! Wow! Then we all queued up and got them signed! Double wow!

Now, pictures paint a thousand words – so here's a few to describe the 25th of April at Clay Cross Library...


All in all, it was a night to remember with a white wine spritzer and an ample amount of buttered crackers in my gut and nestled in the crook of my arm – the reason for me being there. But Nine o'clock drew close, which meant we had to be leaving soon and kindly enough, a woman from the village who my Mother knew gave us a lift! The night was great, the people were great – I, myself getting comments on how I was the cover art! No, i'm not, honestly! Oh, you're too kind!
Apparenlty it was done by the same person who did the Hunger Games' books. The night drew to a close for me which resulted in me getting only 2 hours sleep that night as it was simple too exciting. I only wish Emma, who looked lovely, had just as much fun as I did!

Were you looking for a review of the book? Unlucky i've still not read it, but I will write and post one all over cyberspace when I do...

Saturday 20 April 2013

Resident Evil 5

This is my first Resident Evil game, so don't expect an insider's review full of mentions of old games and how much it's changed over the course of it's existence. Instead, eagerly await the words of an ecstatic, albeit crazy fan-girl utterly in love with what had just been a wild roller-coaster ride of a video game. (I'm going to go full steam ahead into spoiler-galore land so if you haven't yet played this game, don't read any more!)

Resident Evil 5 promises scares, mystery, emotion and more. Of course, It's Resident Evil! The same Resident Evil that spawned films, books and obviously more games. The storyline is something short of jaw-dropping. You, Chris Redfield and your new partner – who you meet at the start of the game! - Sheva Alomar, are instructed with tracking down a known terrorist in the area of Kijuju, Africa and have to muscle through some terrifying creatures and monsters to do so. Along the way, secrets are unveiled, old friends and new and old foes come to light.

Wesker's back.
You can be sure of that! But you only get to see him quite a far way into the game, after having battling some truly horrific foes. Some that need to be doused in fire to be killed, some that wield chainsaws... I could go on! When he finally shows his Germanic, chiselled god-like face, don't go thinking this is the end! You face Wesker again after the first time you both meet after Chris and Jill Valentine's confrontation back at the Spencer Mansion – don't worry you get a flash back of all that, thunder, lightening and all. After a breath-taking cut-scene which holds one of the more shocking secrets of the game, you then have to survive for 7 minutes where you and your partner get to 'play' with Wesker. Actually, you have to deal as much damage as you can to him in those seven minutes all the while trying to stay alive. Stressful, I know! But for that reason, this if my favourite stage of the game.

As well as the baddest and biggest baddie of all time, you get to confront some new antagonists to Capcom's biggest game series ever. Ricardo Irving – who you actually finally meet after tracking down his ass for so long. Excella Gionne – a poor son of a b*tch, who is the head of the Tricell Africa Branch and of course ole Albert Wesker who slithers back into the game.

Along with some new characters, new setting, friends and foes. Resident Evil 5 also unleashes a whole new control system to the game. Having only played one other Resident Evil game and still, sadly not finished it. I can only offer a limited range of info on the matter but know this much – you can't shoot and run at the same time as well as the fact the inventory is now only accessible in-game and not in a pause menu. Which is not only frustrating but is also responsible for several deaths and damage dealt in my play-through!

But the music makes up for all the hated. Well, nearly all of it... the soundtrack is both insightful and beautiful with each track matching the scene/level or character fantastically well. I even downloaded some of them! Some tracks sound similar but if you close you eyes tight enough and listen out for the subtle differences you can easily pin-point where they fit into the game and it's cut-scenes. Or not so easily in my case as I actually thought 'Sad But True' fit into the 'Favour For A Friend' cinematic! Oops!

Anyway, you're not paying attention to the music when you're supposed to be killing and defeating truck loads of enemies. Mainly the Majini, that means 'evil spirit' – which are our zombies for the game. Which, actually aren't actual zombies. More puppets, mutated puppets with someone just as mutated pulling their strings.
 With many levels, many pretty, cools things to collect, like extra weapons, BSAA emblems and treasures there's loads to keep you busy, interested and excited in this surprisingly fantastic video game which I only just finished today, 17th April! At around two o'clock, no less! I then at unlocked and immediately tried out The Mercenaries mini-game and the new costumes, cut-scenes and files I had been so thankfully rewarded with for killing Wesker – by making him fall into a volcano full of burning lava and taking off his head with a rocket. Thank you, Capcom!

The graphics make the grotesque creatures and mutated monsters all the more horrid and the characters, mainly Excella and Wesker all the more god-like which then makes the cinematics fun to re-watch! Each level is intricately designed with hidden objects to hunt down till your heart's content with hordes of nasty things, each with their own freaking way to take them down. With buckets of secrets revealed, enemies and collectables the replay-ability in this game is sky high! Along with three difficulty setting and extras all over the place there's always more to do. And as Wesker's corpse is floating around in lava and you and your friends, fly away to safety in a chopper the only thing on your mind should be – when am I getting Resident Evil 6? ...and certainly not 'is Wesker really dead?!'
Thanks for reading! DCIPHOENIX

Thursday 28 February 2013

Antagonist here, anagonist there...

Which antagonist are you?
A review of Avatar the video game.

It's going to be a vast and beautiful land for you to run wild in, that's expected!
The scenery ensures much enjoyment from playing in James' Cameron's Avatar the game. As he, himself came up for the storyline etc in this, it's a prequel to the much loved, widely awaited 3D blockbuster. With you, an RDA grunt sent to Pandora as a signals specialist to help bring peace to the planet.
Of course it's not all that plain sailing.

After a quick and fairly intro to the game, setting, characters and controls – Avatar the video game splits it's save slot in the game to create two. One for the saved game you are currently playing(I started playing Na'vi side first) and another save for you to be a bad-ass and gun wielding(yeah, yeah, I enjoyed the RDA side better) grunt! So you can play as both sides to have to most fun out of this game. Also, obviously to hear and play both sides of this beautiful story which will grip you to the floor like a Na'vi spear.

I won't talk too much about the computer side of this game because this fun blog will just deteriorate into a mess of technology babbling with you, the reader running away from this game review and googling something more fun than this.

So, forget the film, this lil' beaut takes you to a whole new dimension of Pandora, Avatar and the mind of JC.

You get given a helper character very early on in the game by the name of Kendra Midori – she'd kinda like the Grace of the game - a bunch of other guys come and go in the game which gives it a bit more depth and realism. Monroe – the Dr Max, and Harper; I have no idea how to describe this crazy ass dude. He's just that weird! Then there's Commander Falco – he's your Quaritch; just as nuts and violent.
You also a welcome speech by Dr Grace Augustine voiced by Weaver herself right at the start of the game on the Valkyrie shuttle ship.
There's guest appearances by Trudy, voiced by Michelle Rodriguez and Colonel Quaritch, voiced by Stephen Lang. Oorah!

The storyline its self is fun and will keep you hooked although it's slightly routine and there's no newness to it after you have gotten to the middle and near climax of the game. But that being said, the finale with give you a sense of achievement no matter what side you took to get you there.
There's a cool set of Na'vi that you either have to go and kill; or if you take the Na'vi side, you have to take their orders. With a wide array of weapons on either side and some equipped skills to help you along the way, you almost feel welcome on each side – you also feel a strong hatred for the opposition. Even if you are playing for the RDA.
In fact, if you're not doing a happy-dance in the middle of your room after seeing your virtual, ripped, sexy, camouflaged self beat the antagonist of the game. You just played it wrong. So get up and start it all over again. This game if perfect, if you disagree, please comment why. I loved this game and am playing it for the 6th time.


Saturday 23 February 2013

A review of Left 4 Dead

I burn things to feel joy. Kinda.

For many years now, well three in fact – I have been a big fan of a game called left 4 dead. It's amazing, you must play it!
It's both violent and beautiful, it's scary, suspenseful also crazy and perfect. Even though there's truck loads of rabid zombies wanting to eat you and rip you to shreds – I have died many times on this game, I’ve seen it happen – within the undead beings and pouring rain, it feels perfect. It feels so perfect that if there was a zombie apocalypse L4D is what I would think it defiantly look like.
If it doesn't; I’ll post a complaint to the zombie in charge of said apocalypse!

Left 4 Dead's characters are insightful, lovable and hilarious. With Bill – the bad-ass army vet turned zombie killer, Francis – the biker with a heart in there somewhere, Louis – the ever positive computer analyst and Zoey – the kindest and youngest of the team who went to college to study film; but ended up staying in her dorm room watching zombie movies. I RELATE TO THIS CHICK! There's brilliant characters and I feel for them. I love and care about them.

It's setting is quite interesting too, as it's set in Pennsylvania – which I’m guessing is an important place in America; to warrant a full blown zombie apocalypse video game to be placed in it's heart, yes? But I swear I have seen a couple of films with scenes similar to that in Left 4 Dead! I am so sure that I have seen the same tree, road or house from L4D. Either I have played this game WAY too many times or Valve have really gone to town on this awesome game and not only gave us a fantastic place to shoot zombie ass and feel good doing it but it is art. Plain and simple, eerie art.

I can honestly say that I love Left 4 Dead. When I've not been on it in a while, I feel almost as if I've lost a friend and when I jump back on the zombie saddle and kick some ass – meaning I have my controller in my hands and game in the console. I feel the friend has been returned to me.
I known I have not hinted upon the game-play, storyline and music but that is another story to tell... and perhaps another blog for me to write.
My mutated, infected virtual friend, I salute you and your makers.
I adore you.


DCIPHOENIX: An Intro to Me!

That strange fan-girl.

Welcome to my dark corner of cyberspace. Make yourself a cuppa, some toast and buckle up! My name is Rose and I'm a BIG fan-girl of quite a lot of things – Torchwood, Ashes To Ashes, X-Files, Buffy: the vampire slayer, NCIS, CSI, Terra Nova, Stargate SG-1, Avatar and Spooks.

I'm a BIG lover of science fiction, crime, drama and romance TV shows, films and books – it's no wonder I love writing and reading; also the creative and performing arts.
I aspire to be an actress as I feel no enjoyment what so ever from any other career choice... apart from the military, weirdly enough. I have a fanfiction profile and I write mainly for pleasure and to express myself but also to escape the bores and routine of college and normal menial life. When I'm not being a bad-ass writer and college student I enjoy doing Tai Chi and weight lifting. I own a cat and many video gaming systems.
I like violent, shoot-y games but those that combine that with an awesome cinematic storyline that had you gasping, crying and acting like a mental patient swallowing your own tongue on your bedroom floor. Good times.
I also like guns. Mainly ones of the machine variety. Here's a question – if you were a gun, which one would you be? I would be a M-16 Assault Rifle.
Enough of me and time for the fan-girling.

I enjoy the works of:

J.K Rowling, Peter Robinson, J.R.R Tolkien, Phil Ford, Peter Robinson, Meg Cabot, Joanna Fulford, Lynda La Plant, Laurell K. Hamilton, Emma Pass, H.G Wells, Christopher Paolini, Anthony Horowitz, Philip K. Dick, Trevor Baxter, James Goss, Peter Angheidies, Gary Russell and Linda Winstead Jones.

And some singer/songwriters:

Rihanna, Pauley Perrette, Lady Gaga, Natalia Kills, Ellie Goulding, Katy Perry, 3OH!3, Leona Lewis, Theory of a Deadman, Poets of the Fall and Martina Topley Bird.

Thanks for stopping by, please comment on what YOU fan-girl/boy about!